Saturday, March 8, 2014

Going somewhere at nowhere

You see, I'm bad in saying goodbye. it is not my major. I don't know what I suppose to do. should I cry? laugh or just make the pokerfaced without feel anything?

Saying goodbye seems the hardest moment to face..

Sometimes it could be better if others not know the time to leave. the time where I need to leave everybody and walk away into my own journey. journey full of independence and it was scary.

This makes me so terrible.
I don't want to leave
I don't want to say goodbye
I hate farewell

I wish I can bring them along
I wish I can tell them to follow my journey
I wish we can run together

Can I just go off?

Leave my two lil evils,
Leave my family,
Leave my precious time with them
the time crawl so fast. he envy me

Oh dear, I feel my tiny heart turn to horrible feeling
miserable, mournful, bleak

Dear Allah,
I'm sorry for all things that I've done
This could be a way to wash my sins
and to make me strong, right?
Would you to protect them when I'm gone? please
Keep them in safe and happy

I'm sorry 
I'm really sorry
forgive me please ya Rabb..
forgive me..

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